Paige Tantillo

Permaculture Designer. Community Builder. Food Grower.

A native of Chicago, Paige moved to Doha, Qatar, where she lived for 5 years. She currently resides in Hong Kong. An entrepreneur, designer and artist, Paige paved an inspiring path in Doha continues that work in Hong Kong. She has spent the last 5 years developing a rooftop garden in the middle of the city and co-founding a composting business, Hong Kong Community Composting.

Paige received her permaculture certification in Jordan September 2011, a life-changing experience that motivated her to apply the permaculture techniques she learned to the challenging growing conditions in Doha, Qatar. She developed a permaculture test garden in Qatar, which included grey water recycling, composting, a food forest, rooftop vegetable garden and chickens (to provide a food resource and help fertilize her space naturally.)

With over 25 years of gardening experience, and a proficient background in design, Paige believes Permaculture has expanded her knowledge, allowing her to create fresh and unique garden designs to mimic natural systems and teach people about the importance of knowing how to grow their own food and building healthy soil. True to her belief that following, supporting and respecting nature is the key to improving our health and planet, she is constantly seeking ways to live more a more regenerative lifestyle and to share that knowledge with others.

Her gardens have inspired many people to begin composting and start growing their own food and stop using chemicals and pesticides. She also spreads this knowledge by designing, creating, and implementing permaculture gardens, organizing field trips and providing educational experiences to youth and community.  She has worked with youth and community in various projects for over 10 years. Her goal is to keep inspiring and educating youth and the community about the importance of living a more regenerative and healthy lifestyle and by providing educational experiences on techniques such as permaculture.

Projects and initiatives in Chicago

  • Mindful Living

Projects and initiatives in Qatar

  • Edible Landscaping Project with Qatar University
  • Youth Environmental Awareness and Gardening Clubs
  • Vegetable Garden Design for PassivHaus in Qatar
  • Developing a curriculum for an educational garden program, and designed and implemented programs for local schools
  • Designing hands-on permaculture and organic workshops
  • Delivering Programs and Presentations on Permaculture, Soil Regeneration and Composting
  • Permaculture garden design for private residents and schools

Projects and initiatives in Hong Kong

  • Co-Founder of Hong Kong Community Composting
  • Partnering with local permaculture organizations on educational school field trips and permaculture-based initiatives
  • Designing and building rooftop permaculture garden

Partnerships and Consultancy Projects in Africa

  • Kids Dream Children's Home -  Nairobi, Kenya
  • Waste to Best Environmental Group - Naivasha, Kenya

Projects in Spain

  • Permaculture Design for a multiple zone regenerative initiative on 11 hectare plot


The Challenge of Organic Farming in Qatar.

AJ + Arabia: 26 December 2015



Ball, Laura. “Students Learn to Grow with Educational Gardens.” The Peninsula Qatar 5 January 2016: n. pag. Print, web. http://thepeninsulaqatar.com/news/qatar/365037/students-learn-to-grow-with-educational-gardens

Kamel, Eman. “In a Dry Country, Gardening Becomes Education.” Al Fanar [Doha] 24 September 2015: n. pag. Print, web. http://www.al-fanarmedia.org/2015/09/in-a-dry-country-gardening-becomes-education/

Varshalomidze, Tamila. “What Food Means to Me. Qatar: growing food in the desert.” Al Jazeera.com: 2015: n. pag. Print, web. http://interactive.aljazeera.com/aje/2015/what-food-means-to-me-around-the-world-ajeats/phone/index.html#top

Verma, Sharat. “Reaping Fruits of Hard Work.” Qatar Tribune 18 August 2015: n. pag. Print, web. http://archive.qatar-tribune.com/viewnews.aspx?n=7BD31BF1-B814-4CFF-A407-48A7EEC50968&d=20150818

“Journalists Attend Training Course.” Gulf Times 30 July 2015 http://www.gulf-times.com/story/449386/Journalists-attend-training-course

Doha College Blog: 6 March 2016 http://www.dohacollege.com/blog/entry/150

Torino, Politecnico di Torino, 2015, pp 453‐462.


Workshops and Presentations

  • Qatar University Workshop Soul to Soil
  • Dhreima Compost Workshop at Al Sulaiteen Nursery
  • Collaborative permaculture and soil workshops in Hong Kong with Permaclub and Growing Smart
  • DIY Composting Workshops for Hong Kong Community Composting
  • Permaculture Worskshops in Soweto, Kenya

Presentations on various topics for:

  • Doha Flower and Garden Show 2015
  • Gardening in the Desert for Shell Women’s Club
  • Doha Garden Club